

What Does Gluten-Free Really Mean?

While medical opinions about gluten allergy vary, more and more consumers are beginning to experiment with removing gluten from their diets.
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Emergency Care

Hurricane Harvey: Where to Give and How to Help

In the wake of a disaster, communities outside the affected area want to know how to help. A variety of reputable organizations have set up programs and funds to help those in Texas and New Orleans who were hit by Hurricane Harvey.
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Kitchen Must-Haves: Tips From a Chef

Whether you've been in charge of your family's holiday meal a million times or are a newbie to hosting, your kitchen arsenal might benefit from a quick once-over before you get cooking this season.
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Holiday Hosting Checklist: 10 Things to Know

We want your holiday parties to be the talk of the season, so we've rounded up our top tips on how to pull off hosting without a hitch.
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Hosting Hell: 10 Things That Will Go Wrong - And How to Prevent Them

If you want to avoid entering the hosting hell dimension, here are 10 potential entertaining glitches, and how to avoid them.
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Ten Tips for Being a Good Party Guest (With Kids)

If you're a guest at the season's events, make sure that you're part of the celebration, not part of the problem
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Game Day Must-Dos

Some sports fans like to rock up to a bar and cheer on their team. Others live for the traditions: tailgating, party-hosting, and dressing head-to-toe in fan apparel. Here are some essentials to make sure you enjoy every second of the game itself.
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The July To-Do List

Use YP's sizzling summer checklist to pack in as many backyard barbecues, family trips, and memorable outings as you can before the kids head back to school.
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