
General Contractors

What to Know About: General Contractors

Whether your home needs a complete renovation, or a room needs to be repaired, there are some things to know before you hire.
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Home Improvement

Expert Tips for Kid-Proofing Your Home

Don't leave safety up to luck when it comes to your children. If you're stumped on where to start kid proofing, bring in an expert to give you a better idea of what hazards you have in the home.
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Home Repair & Maintenance

The January 2017 To-Do List

The holiday festivities are over, but January doesn't have to be a drag. It's actually the best time to finish projects and organize your life – all while having a little fun.
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Hosting Hell: 10 Things That Will Go Wrong - And How to Prevent Them

If you want to avoid entering the hosting hell dimension, here are 10 potential entertaining glitches, and how to avoid them.
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Auto Repair

The October To-Do List

It’s time to bring long sleeves and long pants out of storage, prep your home and car, and contact the cool weather home/yard contractors.
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Home Improvement

10 Tips to Get Your Home Winter-Ready

Try our top home-winterization tips and ideas to prevent major winter blues.
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Heating Contractors & Specialties

The September To-Do List

From vacation ideas to gardening preparation, check out our September checklist to enjoy the rest of summer and get ready for fall.
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Home Decor

10 Ideas to Get Your Home Fall-Ready

These cooler-weather prepping tips should begin creeping into your consciousness as the dog days tick by.
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The August To-Do List

There's still one month of summer left. Before those lazy, hazy days come to an end, use our get-things-done list to make the most of this fleeting season in the sun.
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Home Decor

Big and Small Ways to Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Try these deceptively quick, easy, and sometimes very affordable tricks to up your home's exterior.
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Home Decor

Prep Your Home to Sell With Tips From HGTV's 'Listed Sisters'

Twins Lex and Alana LeBlanc ('Listed Sisters') know a thing or two about prep and design and specialize in turning lived-in homes into a quick sell. The sisters share some basic tips behind their winning concept.
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